
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
6.210.128 The Wind Keeps Howling 1.065.780 707.106 101.644 9
6.210.129 Sing A Simple Song 1.065.781 693.691 101.644 7
6.210.130 Sing A Simple Song 1.065.781 707.106 101.644 7
6.210.131 Poor Little Rich Girl 1.065.782 707.106 101.644 1
6.210.132 Heya 1.065.783 488.551 101.644 8
6.210.133 Heya 1.065.783 707.106 101.644 8
6.210.134 Heya 1.065.783 707.108 101.644 8
6.210.135 Working On A Good Thing 1.065.784 495.812 101.644 5
6.210.136 Working On A Good Thing 1.065.784 707.106 101.644 5
6.210.137 Working On A Good Thing 1.065.784 707.107 101.644 5
6.210.138 The Eagle Has Landed 1.065.785 693.691 101.644 12
6.210.139 The Eagle Has Landed 1.065.785 707.106 101.644 12
6.210.140 Girl-Woman 1.065.786 707.106 101.644 4
6.210.141 My Baby Loves Lovin' 1.065.787 71.361 101.644 10
6.210.142 My Baby Loves Lovin' 1.065.787 439.144 101.644 10
6.210.143 My Baby Loves Lovin' 1.065.787 707.106 101.644 10
6.210.144 When Julie Comes Around 1.065.788 474.345 101.644 6
6.210.145 When Julie Comes Around 1.065.788 495.485 101.644 6
6.210.146 When Julie Comes Around 1.065.788 707.106 101.644 6
6.210.147 Julie 1.065.789 707.106 101.644 2
6.210.148 The End 1.065.790 693.691 101.644 3
6.210.149 The End 1.065.790 707.106 101.644 3
6.210.150 Lonely River 1.065.791 707.106 101.644 11

ID Archiv Nummer Medium Album-Interpret Album-Titel Industrie Nummer Kategorie Erfasst Am Erfasst Von
101.644 38706 LP Dickie Loader A Breath Of Fresh Air EMI PLSJ 12067 (GB, Parlophone) Keine 21.05.2012 11:52:20 Behrens, Elena