
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
6.282.775 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 6.218 103.268 4
6.282.776 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 21.331 103.268 4
6.282.777 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 92.134 103.268 4
6.282.778 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 120.535 103.268 4
6.282.779 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 248.450 103.268 4
6.282.780 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 253.167 103.268 4
6.282.781 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 301.248 103.268 4
6.282.782 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 330.189 103.268 4
6.282.783 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 384.476 103.268 4
6.282.784 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 713.440 103.268 4
6.282.785 Blizzard Of Lies 1984/11 + 1985/02 1.082.550 713.441 103.268 4

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Allende, Angel
Barron, Kenny
Cappuccio, Gerry
Dodgion, Jerry
Frishberg, David
Frishberg, Samantha
Moore, Michael
Muldaur, Maria
Riley, Ben
Sickler, Don
Wess, Frank