
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
7.030.173 For Benjamin 1.338.592 118.269 122.913 1
7.030.177 Good Morning Miss B. 1.338.593 118.269 122.913 4
7.030.174 Ride On My Rainbow 1.338.594 118.269 122.913 2
7.030.175 Ride On My Rainbow 1.338.594 452.104 122.913 2
7.030.176 Guitarland 1.338.595 118.269 122.913 3
7.030.178 Cologne Highway 1.338.596 118.269 122.913 5
7.030.179 Cologne Highway 1.338.596 480.157 122.913 5
7.030.180 High In The Sky 1.338.597 118.269 122.913 6
7.030.181 High In The Sky 1.338.597 242.110 122.913 6
7.030.182 Mother In Love 1.338.598 118.269 122.913 7
7.030.183 Mother In Love 1.338.598 415.282 122.913 7
7.030.184 Viva Fleur 1.338.599 118.269 122.913 8
7.030.185 Viva Fleur 1.338.599 42.293 122.913 8
7.030.186 Countryside Slide 1.338.600 118.269 122.913 9
7.030.187 Sweet Little Girl 1.338.601 118.269 122.913 10
7.030.188 Sweet Little Girl 1.338.601 213.891 122.913 10
7.030.189 Curry Corner 1.338.602 118.269 122.913 11
7.030.190 Curry Corner 1.338.602 473.274 122.913 11
7.030.191 Caribbean Love Song 1.338.603 118.269 122.913 12

ID Archiv Nummer Medium Album-Interpret Album-Titel Industrie Nummer Kategorie Erfasst Am Erfasst Von
122.913 44964 LP Helmuth Franke Guitarland Deutsche Austrophon ST102 (BRD 1976, Selected Sound) Keine 11.02.2021 00:00:00 Ralf Hardt