
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
1.167.027 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 63.101 16.446 5
1.167.028 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 66.303 16.446 5
1.167.029 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 69.811 16.446 5
1.167.030 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 157.744 16.446 5
1.167.031 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 170.585 16.446 5
1.167.032 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 170.597 16.446 5
1.167.033 Big City Lights 1985/01 151.543 362.502 16.446 5

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Chilton, Alex
Clements, Dave
Coman, Rene
Hill, Steve
J., Johnny
J., Johnny And The Hitmen
Torres, Joey (Biff)