
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
1.358.000 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 5.725 19.356 8
1.358.001 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 10.847 19.356 8
1.358.002 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 20.316 19.356 8
1.358.003 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 74.394 19.356 8
1.358.004 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 115.329 19.356 8
1.358.005 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 133.881 19.356 8
1.358.006 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 144.705 19.356 8
1.358.007 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 170.062 19.356 8
1.358.008 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 187.334 19.356 8
1.358.009 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 191.143 19.356 8
1.358.010 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 224.547 19.356 8
1.358.011 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 243.458 19.356 8
1.358.012 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 298.944 19.356 8
1.358.013 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 395.343 19.356 8
1.358.014 Man Behind The Gun 177.962 406.603 19.356 8

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Allen, Dave
Allen, Dave
Antoniades, Toni
Barker, Martyn
Cozzi, Mike
Foden, Jez
Gordon, Coral
Halliwell, Steve
Isidore, Gus
Kelly, Dave
King Swamp
Miller, Dominic
Rhodes, David
Wray, Walter