
ID Name Vorname Kuenstlername Name 2 Name 3
242.914 Miles Lee Lee Miles Miles, Lee

ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
1.207.391 Ain't No Shadow 157.020 242.914 17.052 1
1.207.473 All I Have To Do Is Dream 157.028 242.914 17.052 9
1.207.402 Baby I Love You 157.021 242.914 17.052 2
1.207.442 Believe In The Magic 157.025 242.914 17.052 6
1.207.463 Bowangi 157.027 242.914 17.052 8
6.408.513 Brave Awakening 1.108.384 242.914 104.754 3
6.408.464 Faith To Arise 1.108.380 242.914 104.754 1
6.408.562 Ooh Baby (Make Me Feel So young) 1.108.387 242.914 104.754 5
1.207.421 Rogue Wave 157.023 242.914 17.052 4
6.408.529 Seed Of Memory 1.108.385 242.914 104.754 2
1.207.412 Stop And Think It Over 157.022 242.914 17.052 3
6.408.545 The Frame 1.108.386 242.914 104.754 7
6.408.480 The Way You Walk 1.108.382 242.914 104.754 6
1.207.453 Then I Kissed Her 157.026 242.914 17.052 7
6.408.497 To Be Treated Rite 1.108.383 242.914 104.754 4
1.207.431 Walk Away Rene 157.024 242.914 17.052 5