
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
1.876.062 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 16.539 27.005 4
1.876.063 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 27.172 27.005 4
1.876.064 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 69.832 27.005 4
1.876.065 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 177.586 27.005 4
1.876.066 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 178.832 27.005 4
1.876.067 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 245.354 27.005 4
1.876.068 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 255.149 27.005 4
1.876.069 Jam With Bacon 1939/06 251.944 401.687 27.005 4

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Bacon, Louis
Benford, Tommy
Combelle, Alix
Johnson, Freddy
Johnson, Freddy And His Orchestra
Keine Angabe
Mitchell, John
Myers, Wilson