
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
230.029 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 22.140 3.271 4
230.030 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 67.872 3.271 4
230.031 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 116.820 3.271 4
230.032 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 117.413 3.271 4
230.033 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 136.988 3.271 4
230.034 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 147.169 3.271 4
230.035 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 178.337 3.271 4
230.036 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 179.345 3.271 4
230.037 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 260.082 3.271 4
230.038 Ain't It The Truth 30.634 384.476 3.271 4

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Basie, Count Kl
Basie, Count Org
Coker, Henry Pos
Foster, Frank T-Sax
Fowlkes, Charlie
Green, Freddie
Johnson, Gus Schlz
Jones, Ed
Newman, Joe Tp
Wess, Frank