
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
242.718 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 16.058 3.421 1
242.719 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 24.284 3.421 1
242.720 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 63.813 3.421 1
242.721 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 148.819 3.421 1
242.722 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 209.272 3.421 1
242.723 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 234.170 3.421 1
242.724 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 342.695 3.421 1
242.725 On Stage With The Beatles 32.456 391.639 3.421 1
242.726 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 16.058 3.421 2
242.727 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 24.284 3.421 2
242.728 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 63.813 3.421 2
242.729 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 148.819 3.421 2
242.730 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 209.272 3.421 2
242.731 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 234.170 3.421 2
242.732 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 342.695 3.421 2
242.733 How Beatlemania Began 32.457 391.639 3.421 2
242.734 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 16.058 3.421 3
242.735 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 24.284 3.421 3
242.736 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 63.813 3.421 3
242.737 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 148.819 3.421 3
242.738 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 209.272 3.421 3
242.739 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 234.170 3.421 3
242.740 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 342.695 3.421 3
242.741 Beatlemania In Action 32.458 391.639 3.421 3
242.742 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 16.058 3.421 4
242.743 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 24.284 3.421 4
242.744 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 63.813 3.421 4
242.745 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 148.819 3.421 4
242.746 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 209.272 3.421 4
242.747 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 234.170 3.421 4
242.748 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 342.695 3.421 4
242.749 Man Behind The Beatles - Brian Epstein 32.459 391.639 3.421 4
242.750 John Lennon 32.460 16.058 3.421 5
242.751 John Lennon 32.460 24.284 3.421 5
242.752 John Lennon 32.460 63.813 3.421 5
242.753 John Lennon 32.460 148.819 3.421 5
242.754 John Lennon 32.460 209.272 3.421 5
242.755 John Lennon 32.460 234.170 3.421 5
242.756 John Lennon 32.460 342.695 3.421 5
242.757 John Lennon 32.460 391.639 3.421 5
242.758 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 16.058 3.421 6
242.759 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 24.284 3.421 6
242.760 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 63.813 3.421 6
242.761 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 148.819 3.421 6
242.762 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 209.272 3.421 6
242.763 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 234.170 3.421 6
242.764 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 342.695 3.421 6
242.765 Who's A Millionaire? 32.461 391.639 3.421 6
242.766 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 16.058 3.421 7
242.767 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 24.284 3.421 7
242.768 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 63.813 3.421 7
242.769 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 148.819 3.421 7
242.770 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 209.272 3.421 7
242.771 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 234.170 3.421 7
242.772 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 342.695 3.421 7
242.773 Beatles Will Be Beatles 32.462 391.639 3.421 7
242.774 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 16.058 3.421 8
242.775 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 24.284 3.421 8
242.776 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 63.813 3.421 8
242.777 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 148.819 3.421 8
242.778 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 209.272 3.421 8
242.779 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 234.170 3.421 8
242.780 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 342.695 3.421 8
242.781 Man Behind The Music - George Martin 32.463 391.639 3.421 8
242.782 George Harrison 32.464 16.058 3.421 9
242.783 George Harrison 32.464 24.284 3.421 9
242.784 George Harrison 32.464 63.813 3.421 9
242.785 George Harrison 32.464 148.819 3.421 9
242.786 George Harrison 32.464 209.272 3.421 9
242.787 George Harrison 32.464 234.170 3.421 9
242.788 George Harrison 32.464 342.695 3.421 9
242.789 George Harrison 32.464 391.639 3.421 9
242.790 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 16.058 3.421 10
242.791 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 24.284 3.421 10
242.792 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 63.813 3.421 10
242.793 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 148.819 3.421 10
242.794 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 209.272 3.421 10
242.795 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 234.170 3.421 10
242.796 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 342.695 3.421 10
242.797 A Hard Day's Night - Their First Movie 32.465 391.639 3.421 10
242.798 Paul McCartney 32.466 16.058 3.421 11
242.799 Paul McCartney 32.466 24.284 3.421 11
242.800 Paul McCartney 32.466 63.813 3.421 11
242.801 Paul McCartney 32.466 148.819 3.421 11
242.802 Paul McCartney 32.466 209.272 3.421 11
242.803 Paul McCartney 32.466 234.170 3.421 11
242.804 Paul McCartney 32.466 342.695 3.421 11
242.805 Paul McCartney 32.466 391.639 3.421 11
242.806 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 16.058 3.421 12
242.807 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 24.284 3.421 12
242.808 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 63.813 3.421 12
242.809 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 148.819 3.421 12
242.810 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 209.272 3.421 12
242.811 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 234.170 3.421 12
242.812 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 342.695 3.421 12
242.813 Sneaky Haircuts And More About Paul 32.467 391.639 3.421 12
242.814 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 16.058 3.421 13
242.815 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 24.284 3.421 13
242.816 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 63.813 3.421 13
242.817 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 148.819 3.421 13
242.818 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 209.272 3.421 13
242.819 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 234.170 3.421 13
242.820 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 342.695 3.421 13
242.821 The Beatles Look At Life 32.468 391.639 3.421 13
242.822 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 16.058 3.421 14
242.823 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 24.284 3.421 14
242.824 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 63.813 3.421 14
242.825 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 148.819 3.421 14
242.826 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 209.272 3.421 14
242.827 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 234.170 3.421 14
242.828 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 342.695 3.421 14
242.829 Victims Of Beatlemania 32.469 391.639 3.421 14
242.830 Beatle Medley 32.470 16.058 3.421 15
242.831 Beatle Medley 32.470 24.284 3.421 15
242.832 Beatle Medley 32.470 63.813 3.421 15
242.833 Beatle Medley 32.470 148.819 3.421 15
242.834 Beatle Medley 32.470 209.272 3.421 15
242.835 Beatle Medley 32.470 234.170 3.421 15
242.836 Beatle Medley 32.470 342.695 3.421 15
242.837 Beatle Medley 32.470 391.639 3.421 15
242.838 Ringo Starr 32.471 16.058 3.421 16
242.839 Ringo Starr 32.471 24.284 3.421 16
242.840 Ringo Starr 32.471 63.813 3.421 16
242.841 Ringo Starr 32.471 148.819 3.421 16
242.842 Ringo Starr 32.471 209.272 3.421 16
242.843 Ringo Starr 32.471 234.170 3.421 16
242.844 Ringo Starr 32.471 342.695 3.421 16
242.845 Ringo Starr 32.471 391.639 3.421 16
242.846 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 16.058 3.421 17
242.847 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 24.284 3.421 17
242.848 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 63.813 3.421 17
242.849 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 148.819 3.421 17
242.850 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 209.272 3.421 17
242.851 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 234.170 3.421 17
242.852 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 342.695 3.421 17
242.853 Liverpool And The World! 32.472 391.639 3.421 17

ID Archiv Nummer Medium Album-Interpret Album-Titel Industrie Nummer Kategorie Erfasst Am Erfasst Von
3.421 01417 LP John Babcock The Beatles' Story EMI STBO 2222 (USA, Apple) Keine 13.03.2003 14:45:02 Konvertierung