
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
2.477.556 Tonight's The Night 359.606 186.902 35.512 1
2.477.557 Tonight's The Night 359.606 215.545 35.512 1
2.477.558 Tonight's The Night 359.606 246.914 35.512 1
2.477.559 Tonight's The Night 359.606 352.927 35.512 1
2.477.560 Tonight's The Night 359.606 386.880 35.512 1
2.477.561 Tonight's The Night 359.606 397.907 35.512 1

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Keith, Ben
Lofgren, Nils
Molina, Ralph
Talbot, Billy
Whitten, Danny
Young, Neil