
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
3.041.182 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 54.624 42.806 5
3.041.183 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 71.314 42.806 5
3.041.184 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 82.258 42.806 5
3.041.185 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 101.972 42.806 5
3.041.186 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 124.679 42.806 5
3.041.187 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 164.057 42.806 5
3.041.188 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 181.071 42.806 5
3.041.189 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 231.340 42.806 5
3.041.190 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 247.480 42.806 5
3.041.191 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 268.682 42.806 5
3.041.192 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 286.413 42.806 5
3.041.193 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 286.926 42.806 5
3.041.194 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 295.627 42.806 5
3.041.195 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 330.189 42.806 5
3.041.196 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 389.218 42.806 5
3.041.197 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 399.491 42.806 5
3.041.198 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 513.933 42.806 5
3.041.199 Introduction To Evidence 1990/12 443.407 514.218 42.806 5

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Campbell, Tommy
Cook, Junior
Davis, Charles
Eldridge, Robert
Gardner, Joe
Howard, Ed
Jenkins, John
Jordan, Clifford
Jordan, Clifford Big Band
Mathews, Ronnie
Monk, Thelonious
Orenstein, Lou
Powell, Benny
Pratt, Dean
Reece, Dizzy
Sickler, Don
Williams, Willie
Zawadi, Kiane