
ID Name Vorname Kuenstlername Name 2 Name 3
471.348 Paingod Paingod Paingod

ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
4.852.791 Alternate Universe 1996/03 717.278 471.348 66.900 6
4.852.780 Blind Vision 1996/03 717.277 471.348 66.900 5
4.852.813 Easy Way Out 1996/03 717.280 471.348 66.900 8
4.852.835 Motivate 1996/03 717.282 471.348 66.900 10
4.852.769 Not A Moment To Spare 1996/03 717.276 471.348 66.900 4
4.852.824 One And The Same 1996/03 717.281 471.348 66.900 9
4.852.758 Paingod 1996/03 717.275 471.348 66.900 3
4.852.747 Scream When You Burn 1996/03 717.274 471.348 66.900 2
4.852.802 Self-Made Man 1996/03 717.279 471.348 66.900 7
4.852.736 Stuck 1996/03 717.273 471.348 66.900 1