
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
3.544.249 Call It Romance 1997/05 511.344 67.257 47.373 1
3.544.250 Call It Romance 1997/05 511.344 218.283 47.373 1
3.544.251 Call It Romance 1997/05 511.344 301.248 47.373 1
3.544.252 Stolen Land 1997/05 511.345 67.257 47.373 2
3.544.253 Stolen Land 1997/05 511.345 218.283 47.373 2
3.544.254 Stolen Land 1997/05 511.345 228.613 47.373 2
3.544.255 Stolen Land 1997/05 511.345 301.248 47.373 2
3.544.256 Strange Waters 1997/05 511.346 67.257 47.373 3
3.544.257 Strange Waters 1997/05 511.346 218.283 47.373 3
3.544.258 Strange Waters 1997/05 511.346 301.248 47.373 3
3.544.259 Fascist Architecture 1997/05 511.347 67.257 47.373 4
3.544.260 Fascist Architecture 1997/05 511.347 218.283 47.373 4
3.544.261 Fascist Architecture 1997/05 511.347 301.248 47.373 4
3.544.262 You Pay Your Money And You Take Your Chance 1997/05 511.348 67.257 47.373 5
3.544.263 You Pay Your Money And You Take Your Chance 1997/05 511.348 218.283 47.373 5
3.544.264 You Pay Your Money And You Take Your Chance 1997/05 511.348 301.248 47.373 5
3.544.265 Birmingham Shadows 1997/05 511.349 67.257 47.373 6
3.544.266 Birmingham Shadows 1997/05 511.349 218.283 47.373 6
3.544.267 Birmingham Shadows 1997/05 511.349 301.248 47.373 6

ID Archiv Nummer Medium Album-Interpret Album-Titel Industrie Nummer Kategorie Erfasst Am Erfasst Von
47.373 13266 CD Bruce Cockburn You Pay Your Money Live RykoDisc RCD 10435 (CAN 1997, High Romance) Keine 13.03.2003 14:45:02 Konvertierung