
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
3.776.762 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 1.309 49.632 2
3.776.763 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 32.179 49.632 2
3.776.764 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 45.315 49.632 2
3.776.765 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 58.567 49.632 2
3.776.766 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 69.130 49.632 2
3.776.767 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 207.856 49.632 2
3.776.768 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 221.407 49.632 2
3.776.769 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 234.519 49.632 2
3.776.770 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 234.527 49.632 2
3.776.771 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 279.127 49.632 2
3.776.772 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 364.190 49.632 2
3.776.773 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 364.190 Arr 49.632 2
3.776.774 Estuary Bed 1985/08 545.460 396.427 49.632 2

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Abrahams, Chris
Birt, Jill
Brown, Fay
Casey, Martyn
Collins, Sally
Lee, Graham (Evil)
MacDonald, Alsy
McComb, David
McComb, Robert
Peters, Adam
Triffids, The Arr
Triffids, The
Wynne, Lesley