
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
3.863.662 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 9.667 50.884 5
3.863.663 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 16.539 50.884 5
3.863.664 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 27.172 50.884 5
3.863.665 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 50.426 50.884 5
3.863.666 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 61.436 50.884 5
3.863.667 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 167.612 50.884 5
3.863.668 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 210.893 50.884 5
3.863.669 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 211.606 50.884 5
3.863.670 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 230.717 50.884 5
3.863.671 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 230.765 50.884 5
3.863.672 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 310.672 50.884 5
3.863.673 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 330.644 50.884 5
3.863.674 Baby Ain't You Satisfied 1941/07 561.519 515.723 50.884 5

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Angst, Peter
Bacon, Louis
Benford, Tommy
Burns, Billy
Chappelet, Denis
Höllerhagen, Ernst
Lewis, Willie
Lewis, Willie And His Negro Band
Lewis And His Negro Band, Willie
Mason, Henry
Russell, Johnny
Siegrist, Alfred