
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
4.052.997 Crime In The City 592.223 41.963 54.451 2
4.052.998 Crime In The City 592.223 53.103 54.451 2
4.052.999 Crime In The City 592.223 74.494 54.451 2
4.053.000 Crime In The City 592.223 75.639 54.451 2
4.053.001 Crime In The City 592.223 121.779 54.451 2
4.053.002 Crime In The City 592.223 186.902 54.451 2
4.053.003 Crime In The City 592.223 206.008 54.451 2
4.053.004 Crime In The City 592.223 306.944 54.451 2
4.053.005 Crime In The City 592.223 313.814 54.451 2
4.053.006 Crime In The City 592.223 397.907 54.451 2

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Bray, Tom
Cailliet, Claude
Cragg, Larry
Cromwell, Chad
Fumo, John
Keith, Ben
Lawrence, Steve
Rosas, Rick (The Bass Player)
Sampedro, Frank (Poncho)
Young, Neil