
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
5.183.553 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 24.857 75.601 10
5.183.554 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 51.163 75.601 10
5.183.555 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 149.304 75.601 10
5.183.556 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 150.038 75.601 10
5.183.557 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 200.529 75.601 10
5.183.558 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 206.769 75.601 10
5.183.559 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 296.373 75.601 10
5.183.560 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 298.782 75.601 10
5.183.561 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 360.321 75.601 10
5.183.562 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 614.913 75.601 10
5.183.563 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.592 75.601 10
5.183.564 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.593 75.601 10
5.183.565 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.594 75.601 10
5.183.566 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.595 75.601 10
5.183.567 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.601 75.601 10
5.183.568 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.602 75.601 10
5.183.569 In The Air - 3 2002/06 841.105 644.603 75.601 10

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Becker, Bob
Busher, Andrew
Conway-Brown, Phillip
Dutton, Elizabeth Lim
Hartenberger, Russ
Haslam, Micaela
Kvistad, Garry
LeBlanc, Jeanne
Lubman, Bradley
Morrison, Amanda
Nimann, Edmund
O'Beirne, Gerard
Preiss, James L.
Rawls, Scott
Reich, Steve
Reynolds, Todd
Tilles, Nurit