
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
5.522.782 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 81.988 76.107 8
5.522.783 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 625.929 76.107 8
5.522.784 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 652.569 76.107 8
5.522.785 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 652.570 76.107 8
5.522.786 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 652.571 76.107 8
5.522.787 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 652.572 76.107 8
5.522.788 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 652.573 76.107 8
5.522.789 Slowly Toward The North Part I 899.775 652.575 76.107 8

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Davidson, Brian
Freedoms Children
Laxton, Julian
Mackay, Ramsay
Martens, Nicolas
Nel, Gerard
Neville and Justin
Pratly, Colin