
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
738.134 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 12.611 10.208 3
738.135 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 68.072 10.208 3
738.136 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 117.701 10.208 3
738.137 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 125.532 10.208 3
738.138 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 165.827 10.208 3
738.139 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 189.151 10.208 3
738.140 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 196.068 10.208 3
738.141 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 213.701 10.208 3
738.142 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 228.410 10.208 3
738.143 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 300.639 10.208 3
738.144 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 329.394 10.208 3
738.145 79th And Sunset 1971/01 94.980 364.804 10.208 3

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Arnold, P. P.
Cole, B. J.
Frampton, Peter
Humble Pie
Keys, Bobby
Korner, Alexis
Linnear, Claudia
Marriott, Steve
Ridley, Greg
Shirley, Jerry
Troy, Doris