
ID Name Vorname Kuenstlername Name 2 Name 3
2.522 Addison Sylvia Sylvia Addison Addison, Sylvia

ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
4.266.822 Adesso Tu 627.059 2.522 58.910 5
6.837.111 Could We Start Again, Please? 1.250.454 2.522 115.370 13
6.837.177 Crucifixion 1.250.457 2.522 115.370 17
4.266.864 E Lucevan Le Stelle 627.064 2.522 58.910 10
6.837.288 Everthing´s Alright 1.250.462 2.522 115.370 4
6.837.199 Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say) 1.250.458 2.522 115.370 11
6.837.310 Heaven On Their Minds 1.250.463 2.522 115.370 2
4.266.798 Here's To The Heroes 627.056 2.522 58.910 2
6.837.067 Hosanna 1.250.452 2.522 115.370 5
6.836.957 I Don´t Know How To Love Him 1.250.447 2.522 115.370 9
6.837.332 John Nineteen: Forty-One 1.250.464 2.522 115.370 18
6.837.266 Judas´ Death 1.250.461 2.522 115.370 14
6.837.155 King Herod´s Song 1.250.456 2.522 115.370 12
4.266.854 L'Amour Durera Encore 627.063 2.522 58.910 9
4.266.790 L'Amour Est Bleu 627.055 2.522 58.910 1
4.266.830 La Chanson Des Montagnes 627.060 2.522 58.910 6
4.266.814 Le Temps Des Cathedrales 627.058 2.522 58.910 4
6.837.221 Overture 1.250.459 2.522 115.370 1
6.837.001 Pilate´s Dream 1.250.449 2.522 115.370 7
6.836.979 Simon Zealotes / Poor Jerusalem 1.250.448 2.522 115.370 6
4.266.806 Still Me 627.057 2.522 58.910 3
6.837.023 Superstar 1.250.450 2.522 115.370 16
4.266.838 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 627.061 2.522 58.910 7
6.837.133 The Last Supper 1.250.455 2.522 115.370 10
6.837.045 The Temple 1.250.451 2.522 115.370 8
6.837.243 Trial Before Pilate (Including The 39 Lashes) 1.250.460 2.522 115.370 15
4.266.845 What Are We Waiting For 627.062 2.522 58.910 8
6.837.089 What´s The Buzz? / Strange Thing, Mystifying 1.250.453 2.522 115.370 3