
ID Name Vorname Kuenstlername Name 2 Name 3
677.865 . . , .
621.830 !!! !!! !!!
726.446 !Cubanismo! !Cubanismo! !Cubanismo!
742.350 "A" Strings The The "A" Strings "A" Strings, The
719.898 "Chocolate" Wright "Chocolate" Wright "Chocolate" Wright
719.507 "Fabulous" Barely White Horns "Fabulous" Barely White Horns "Fabulous" Barely White Horns
727.526 "Mutter" Slater "Mutter" Slater "Mutter" Slater
721.267 # John John # #, John
7 # 9 Dream # 9 Dream # 9 Dream
713.039 #S Luis Luis #S #S, Luis
606.836 $.$Hankaranarayanan $.$Hankaranarayanan $.$Hankaranarayanan
726.579 $27 Snap On Face $27 Snap On Face $27 Snap On Face
681.822 ' Mack Mack ' ', Mack
9 '68 Comeback '68 Comeback '68 Comeback
10 '84 Ahead '84 Ahead '84 Ahead
405.029 'Chooby' Harry 'Chooby' Harry 'Chooby' Harry
14 'E' Band The The 'E' Band 'E' Band, The
763.373 'im And The Uvvers 'im And The Uvvers 'im And The Uvvers
17 'In' Crowd The The 'In' Crowd 'In' Crowd, The
19 'Iskra' Russisches Balaleika-Orchester 'Iskra' Russisches Balaleika-Orchester 'Iskra' Russisches Balaleika-Orchester
608.777 'J' Lisa Lisa 'J' 'J', Lisa
621.462 'K Voel Me Belg 'K Voel Me Belg 'K Voel Me Belg
21 'N Bißchen Droge 'N Bißchen Droge 'N Bißchen Droge
22 'N Sync 'N Sync 'N Sync
609.457 'NSync 'NSync 'NSync
33 'P' Crew The The 'P' Crew 'P' Crew, The
34 'Rocket To Stardom' Chorus 'Rocket To Stardom' Chorus 'Rocket To Stardom' Chorus
405.040 'Rotes Sprachrohr' Berlin 'Rotes Sprachrohr' Berlin 'Rotes Sprachrohr' Berlin
405.041 'Rotes Sprachrohr' Kiel 'Rotes Sprachrohr' Kiel 'Rotes Sprachrohr' Kiel
405.043 'Sour Mash' 'Sour Mash' 'Sour Mash'
405.044 'T Hart 'T Hart 'T Hart
41 'T Hooft Celine Celine 'T Hooft 'T Hooft, Celine
725.467 'T Jolle I. I. 'T Jolle 'T Jolle, I.
621.461 't Kliekske 't Kliekske 't Kliekske
46 't Sas Bobby Bobby 't Sas 't Sas, Bobby
405.048 'The Bear' 'The Bear' 'The Bear'
43 'This Is Jazz' All Stars 'This Is Jazz' All Stars 'This Is Jazz' All Stars
44 'Til Tuesday 'Til Tuesday 'Til Tuesday
45 'Usm+ev 'Usm+ev 'Usm+ev
621.445 (Bub) (Bub) (Bub)
763.156 (Early) Doors The The (Early) Doors (Early) Doors, The
640.140 (em) Wollny / Kruse / Schaefer (em) Wollny / Kruse / Schaefer (em) Wollny / Kruse / Schaefer
648.387 (em) Wollny Kruse Schaefer (em) Wollny Kruse Schaefer (em) Wollny Kruse Schaefer
49 (Esso) Trinidad (Tripoli) Steelband The The (Esso) Trinidad (Tripoli) Steelband (Esso) Trinidad (Tripoli) Steelband, The
602.498 (hed) pe (hed) pe (hed) pe
601.803 (International) Noise Conspiracy The The (International) Noise Conspiracy (International) Noise Conspiracy, The
50 (Magic) Platters The The (Magic) Platters (Magic) Platters, The
649.021 (Mc)Carswell Andrew Andrew (Mc)Carswell (Mc)Carswell, Andrew