
ID Archiv Nummer Medium Interpret Medien-Titel Industrie Nummer Kategorie Erfasst Am Erfasst Von
122.330 44713 LP The Dubliners The Dubliners On Tour Metronome 200112 (BRD 1973) Keine 12.11.2020 00:00:00 Ralf Hardt

ID MEDIENID Track Titel Jahr
1.332.068 44713 1 The Greenland Whale Fisheries
1.332.069 44713 2 Tramps And Hawkers
1.332.074 44713 3 A Jar Of Porter
1.332.073 44713 4 The Kerry Recruit
1.332.071 44713 5 The Woman From Wexford
1.332.070 44713 6 The Dublin Fusiliers
1.332.072 44713 7 Hot Asphalt
1.332.075 44713 8 Love Is Pleasing
1.332.076 44713 9 Master Magrath
1.332.077 44713 10 Within A Mile Of Dublin
1.332.078 44713 11 The Ragman's Bell
1.332.079 44713 12 The Sea Around Us