Track-Titel + Hauptinterpret

ID Archiv Nummer Medium Interpret Medien-Titel Industrie Nummer Kategorie Erfasst Am Erfasst Von
38.227 28739 LP Groundhogs Hoggin The Stage Psycho 24 (GB, 1984) Keine 13.03.2003 14:45:02 Konvertierung

MEDIENID Track Titel Interpret Jahr ID TITELID Interprtet Unique ID
38.227 1 Cherry Red Groundhogs 1971 2.670.893 388.492 139.483
38.227 3 Garden Groundhogs 1971 2.670.898 388.493 139.483
38.227 4 Split Pt. 1 Groundhogs 1971 2.670.903 388.494 139.483
38.227 5 Groundhog Blues Groundhogs 1971 2.670.908 388.495 139.483
38.227 6 Eccentric Man Groundhogs 1971 2.670.913 388.496 139.483
38.227 7 Split Pt. 2 Groundhogs 1976 2.670.918 388.497 139.483
38.227 8 Mistreated Groundhogs 1971 2.670.923 388.498 139.483
38.227 9 Still A Fool Groundhogs 1971 2.670.928 388.499 139.483
38.227 10 Boogie With Us Groundhogs 1976 2.670.933 388.500 139.483
38.227 11 Your Love Keeps Me Alive Groundhogs 1976 2.670.938 388.501 139.483
38.227 12 Live Right Groundhogs 1976 2.670.943 388.502 139.483
38.227 13 I Love Miss Ogyny Groundhogs 1976 2.670.948 388.503 139.483