

ID Titel Interpret Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion Industrie-Nummer NUMMER NAME JAHR Interprtet Unique ID
4.891.058 Jesus Adams, Ryan Universal Music 170 333-2 (BRD 2002, Lost Highway) 13 Jesus 2
6.302.151 Jesus Allen, Gloria Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.658
6.302.145 Jesus Anderson, Sandra Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 8.500
1.426.390 Jesus Anonym Poljazz Z-SX-0694 (PL) 2 Jesus 1978 9.870
6.302.154 Jesus Atkinson, Robert Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.662
2.106.100 Jesus Ayler, Albert Hat Hut hat Art CD 6039 (CH 1990) 2 Jesus 1966/11 15.434
63.571 Jesus Ayler, Albert Hat Hut Records Hat Musics 3500 (CH 1982) 2 Jesus 1966/11 15.434
2.106.101 Jesus Ayler, Don Hat Hut hat Art CD 6039 (CH 1990) 2 Jesus 1966/11 15.442
63.572 Jesus Ayler, Donald Hat Hut Records Hat Musics 3500 (CH 1982) 2 Jesus 1966/11 15.443
245.231 Jesus Beautiful Zion Choir, The Intercord INT 145.006 (BRD 1975) 9 Jesus 24.427
2.232.399 Jesus Beto And Kara DA AH 41010 (BRD 1992, AH Records, Blackbird Records) 5 Jesus 1991 30.169
1.220.159 Jesus Bjoerklund, Mats CBS 450919 1 (BRD 1987) 5 Jesus 32.745
4.528.794 Jesus Boning, Wigald BMG/Polygram 535 123-2 (BRD 1995, Polystar/Ariola) 38 Jesus 37.617
2.712.964 Jesus Boning, Wigald BMG 7432127206-2 (BRD 1995, Sing Sing) 13 Jesus 1995/01-02 37.617
4.624.976 Jesus Brandon Browning, Cherlye Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 41.274
1.812.224 Jesus Bremer, Malte CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 42.454
5.646.487 Jesus Burger, Rodolphe Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 660.205
3.267.909 Jesus Butcher, Phil Misery Guts (1995) 18 Jesus 51.333
4.624.977 Jesus Buzbee, Bob Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 51.813
1.593.837 Jesus Cale, John DGG 2304 149 (BRD, MGM Verve) 11 Jesus 53.438
4.108.421 Jesus Calvin Suggs Gospel Ensemble, The Audio Arts AAEP005 (USA) 4 Jesus 53.973
1.700.758 Jesus Castellari, Camillo Metronome MLP 15.573 (BRD 1976, Rifi) 7 Jesus 419.289
1.700.759 Jesus Castellari, Corrado Metronome MLP 15.573 (BRD 1976, Rifi) 7 Jesus 419.290
5.646.481 Jesus Catchpole, Nell Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 59.301
5.646.486 Jesus Chan, Mami Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 660.204
1.812.225 Jesus Checkpoint Charlie CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 62.229
1.472.844 Jesus Chor Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 63.471
4.220.255 Jesus Clöser, Christoph Bernhard Mikulski KMZ 280763 1 (BRD 1989, KMZ) 5 Jesus 66.893
5.962.482 Jesus Coleman Philips B 07077 (NL) 7 Jesus 421.572
4.337.959 Jesus Coleman, Mary Lou London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 421.597
1.472.845 Jesus Conway, Gerry Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 71.068
4.624.978 Jesus Coomes, Tom Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 71.559
4.624.979 Jesus Coulson, Jim Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 73.573
4.624.980 Jesus Coy, Dave Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 74.326
1.219.022 Jesus Darjean EMI 062-05152 (BRD) 4 Jesus 424.500
3.789.494 Jesus Darjean Ronco RTL 2066 (GB 1981) 8 Jesus 424.500
501.781 Jesus Darjean, P. Teldec SLK 16744-P (BRD, Decca) 5 Jesus 424.501
1.472.846 Jesus Davies, Alun Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 82.093
6.935.439 Jesus Davis Sisters, The Polydor 423206 (BRD 1965) 3 Jesus 83.156
1.556.256 Jesus Dawson, Warren Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 83.272
2.159.565 Jesus De Bastion, Richard Ariola 87798 IT (BRD, Hansa) 6 Jesus 22.457
6.347.001 Jesus Deacon, John EMI Electrola 062-94519 (BRD 1973) 9 Jesus 85.511
5.646.488 Jesus Debroucker, Catherine Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 660.206
4.528.795 Jesus Dittrich, Olli BMG/Polygram 535 123-2 (BRD 1995, Polystar/Ariola) 38 Jesus 91.220
2.712.965 Jesus Dittrich, Olli BMG 7432127206-2 (BRD 1995, Sing Sing) 13 Jesus 1995/01-02 91.220
4.528.796 Jesus Doofen, Die BMG/Polygram 535 123-2 (BRD 1995, Polystar/Ariola) 38 Jesus 93.415
2.712.966 Jesus Doofen, Die BMG 7432127206-2 (BRD 1995, Sing Sing) 13 Jesus 1995/01-02 93.415
6.302.149 Jesus Doughty, Dolores Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.656
6.302.156 Jesus Doughty, James Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.664
6.302.150 Jesus Eames, Patricia Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.657
4.624.981 Jesus Edwards, Keith Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 100.497
1.556.257 Jesus Ellis, Rick Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 102.863
4.624.982 Jesus Faahs, Marita Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 107.430
4.014.372 Jesus Faith, Jeremy Decca 83.003 (F) 1 Jesus 108.014
501.779 Jesus Faith, Jeremy Teldec SLK 16744-P (BRD, Decca) 5 Jesus 108.014
5.962.483 Jesus Falls-Jones Ensemble Philips B 07077 (NL) 7 Jesus 689.805
6.302.157 Jesus Featherstone, Loranda Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.665
5.320.607 Jesus Fischer, Jacob Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 113.325
6.302.146 Jesus Five Stars, The Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 114.060
4.220.256 Jesus Focks, Annette Bernhard Mikulski KMZ 280763 1 (BRD 1989, KMZ) 5 Jesus 115.325
63.573 Jesus Folwell, Bill Hat Hut Records Hat Musics 3500 (CH 1982) 2 Jesus 1966/11 115.627
2.106.102 Jesus Folwell, William Hat Hut hat Art CD 6039 (CH 1990) 2 Jesus 1966/11 115.628
1.339.245 Jesus Franken, Peter tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 118.377
4.624.983 Jesus Fremin, Wendy Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 119.685
1.339.246 Jesus Fuehrs, Gerd tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 121.359
1.700.756 Jesus Garcia Lorca, Federico Metronome MLP 15.573 (BRD 1976, Rifi) 7 Jesus 124.497
4.624.984 Jesus Gardner, Darrel Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 124.600
4.624.985 Jesus Gerber, Don Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 127.382
1.556.258 Jesus Gibbs, Richard Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 128.378
6.302.152 Jesus Gregg, Charmain Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.659
1.556.259 Jesus Griffin, Richard Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 138.374
4.624.986 Jesus Halopoff, Gary Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 144.770
1.219.023 Jesus Hamburger EMI 062-05152 (BRD) 4 Jesus 441.131
3.789.495 Jesus Hamburger Ronco RTL 2066 (GB 1981) 8 Jesus 441.131
4.014.373 Jesus Hamburger, M. Decca 83.003 (F) 1 Jesus 441.133
501.782 Jesus Hamburger, M. Teldec SLK 16744-P (BRD, Decca) 5 Jesus 441.133
1.472.847 Jesus Harker, Roland Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 147.498
63.574 Jesus HArris, Beaver Hat Hut Records Hat Musics 3500 (CH 1982) 2 Jesus 1966/11 142.332
2.106.103 Jesus HArris, Beaver Hat Hut hat Art CD 6039 (CH 1990) 2 Jesus 1966/11 142.332
1.556.260 Jesus Hatch, Kerry Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 150.266
678.942 Jesus Hawkins, Edwin DGG 2318 012 (BRD, Buddah Records) 10 Jesus 150.946
678.944 Jesus Hawkins, Edwin Singers DGG 2318 012 (BRD, Buddah Records) 10 Jesus 151.102
678.943 Jesus Hawkins, Edwin Singers DGG 2318 012 (BRD, Buddah Records) 10 Jesus 151.101
5.320.608 Jesus Henderson, Caroline Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 153.949
2.159.566 Jesus Henn, Peter Ariola 87798 IT (BRD, Hansa) 6 Jesus 154.458
2.159.570 Jesus Henn, Peter Und Steyl, Robbert Ariola 87798 IT (BRD, Hansa) 6 Jesus 512.894
2.159.567 Jesus Henn, Peter Und Steyl, Robert Ariola 87798 IT (BRD, Hansa) 6 Jesus 154.461
4.624.987 Jesus Herring, Bruce Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 156.022
1.812.226 Jesus Hess, Werner CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 156.405
4.624.988 Jesus Hockensmith, Hadley Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 159.350
1.339.247 Jesus Horns, Dieter tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 163.057
3.267.910 Jesus Hughes, Adrian Misery Guts (1995) 18 Jesus 165.492
5.646.489 Jesus Husser, David Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 660.210
4.220.257 Jesus Ingenhütt, Martin Bernhard Mikulski KMZ 280763 1 (BRD 1989, KMZ) 5 Jesus 169.025
5.962.484 Jesus Jackson, Mahalia Philips B 07077 (NL) 7 Jesus 728.262
3.267.911 Jesus Jacques, Martyn Misery Guts (1995) 18 Jesus 172.127
2.712.967 Jesus Jeopard BMG 7432127206-2 (BRD 1995, Sing Sing) 13 Jesus 1995/01-02 175.734
6.302.159 Jesus Johns, David Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.668
2.232.400 Jesus Johnstad, Kara DA AH 41010 (BRD 1992, AH Records, Blackbird Records) 5 Jesus 1991 178.856
4.624.989 Jesus Keene, Tom Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 186.667
1.812.231 Jesus Keine Angabe CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 401.687
6.935.440 Jesus Keine Angaben Polydor 423206 (BRD 1965) 3 Jesus 720.860
1.556.261 Jesus Kelly, Joe Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 187.372
4.625.001 Jesus Kerner, Debby Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 450.713
1.812.227 Jesus Krebs, Joachim CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 197.670
1.339.248 Jesus Lanese, Bob tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 203.797
4.337.951 Jesus Lee, Laura London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 207.617
1.812.228 Jesus Linder, Harald CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 213.053
1.472.848 Jesus Lynch, Bruce Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 219.959
4.624.990 Jesus MacDougall, Alex Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 221.452
3.113.729 Jesus Mair, Eva Trikont US 0237 (BRD 1997) 12 Jesus 223.858
4.624.991 Jesus Maranatha Strings, The Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 226.563
5.646.482 Jesus Martel, Seb Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 228.935
6.347.002 Jesus May, Brian EMI Electrola 062-94519 (BRD 1973) 9 Jesus 232.724
6.347.005 Jesus Meddows-Taylor, Roger EMI Electrola 062-94519 (BRD 1973) 9 Jesus 625.862
5.320.609 Jesus Menzer, Kim Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 240.215
6.347.003 Jesus Mercury, Freddie EMI Electrola 062-94519 (BRD 1973) 9 Jesus 240.376
2.159.568 Jesus Merklin, Hannjörg Ariola 87798 IT (BRD, Hansa) 6 Jesus 240.487
6.302.148 Jesus Moore, Juanita Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 708.019
1.593.867 Jesus Morrison, Sterling Polydor 2353 022 (GB 1969, MGM) 5 Jesus 250.659
1.593.838 Jesus Morrison, Sterling DGG 2304 149 (BRD, MGM Verve) 11 Jesus 250.659
4.624.992 Jesus Muller, Teresa Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 253.334
5.320.615 Jesus Munch-Hansen, Nicolai Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 622.937
5.646.483 Jesus Murcia, Sarah Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 606.772
5.320.610 Jesus Nika, Lelo Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 261.537
5.320.611 Jesus Nordenström, Jesper Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 262.875
1.219.020 Jesus Orchester EMI 062-05152 (BRD) 4 Jesus 268.262
5.320.614 Jesus Osgood, Kresten Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 620.209
2.232.401 Jesus Pereira, Roberto DA AH 41010 (BRD 1992, AH Records, Blackbird Records) 5 Jesus 1991 277.759
1.339.249 Jesus Pfingsten-Reichel, Heidi tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 280.435
4.624.993 Jesus Phillips, John Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 280.956
1.220.160 Jesus Phillips, Simon CBS 450919 1 (BRD 1987) 5 Jesus 281.022
4.624.994 Jesus Pillar, Michele Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 282.332
5.646.484 Jesus Poulet, Fred Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 658.419
4.624.995 Jesus Praise Six Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 286.835
4.337.952 Jesus Price, Delillian London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 287.601
6.347.004 Jesus Queen EMI Electrola 062-94519 (BRD 1973) 9 Jesus 290.388
4.337.953 Jesus Radford, Emoryx London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 291.514
5.320.613 Jesus Reed Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 477.209
1.593.868 Jesus Reed, Lou Polydor 2353 022 (GB 1969, MGM) 5 Jesus 295.696
1.593.839 Jesus Reed, Lou DGG 2304 149 (BRD, MGM Verve) 11 Jesus 295.696
4.337.954 Jesus Reese, Della London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 295.950
4.337.955 Jesus Reese, Della And Her Meditation Singers London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 295.977
1.339.250 Jesus Reichel, Achim tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 296.427
4.624.996 Jesus Rettino, Ernie Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 298.228
1.219.021 Jesus Richard, Cliff EMI 062-05152 (BRD) 4 Jesus 299.579
3.789.493 Jesus Richard, Cliff Ronco RTL 2066 (GB 1981) 8 Jesus 299.579
245.232 Jesus Richards, Emma Intercord INT 145.006 (BRD 1975) 9 Jesus 299.806
1.556.262 Jesus Richardson, Soko Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 300.022
1.220.161 Jesus Richter, Peter CBS 450919 1 (BRD 1987) 5 Jesus 300.287
4.624.997 Jesus Rogers, Harlan Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 305.444
6.302.147 Jesus Rogers, Maurice Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 305.590
1.472.849 Jesus Roussel, Jean Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 308.722
4.337.956 Jesus Rundless, Ernestine London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 310.216
6.302.153 Jesus Russell, Camilla Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.661
1.472.850 Jesus Ryan, Jim Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 311.133
2.106.104 Jesus Sampson, Michel Hat Hut hat Art CD 6039 (CH 1990) 2 Jesus 1966/11 313.891
63.575 Jesus Sampson, Michel Hat Hut Records Hat Musics 3500 (CH 1982) 2 Jesus 1966/11 313.891
1.220.162 Jesus Schneider, Christian CBS 450919 1 (BRD 1987) 5 Jesus 319.890
1.339.253 Jesus Schneider-Wolckenstein, R. D. tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 483.365
4.624.998 Jesus Searle, Jack Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 324.229
1.339.251 Jesus Seegers, Manfred tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 324.818
4.624.999 Jesus Sessum, Jay Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 326.313
6.302.158 Jesus Smith, Roland Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.667
1.426.391 Jesus Sojka, Stanislaw Poljazz Z-SX-0694 (PL) 2 Jesus 1978 337.615
4.108.422 Jesus Spain, Landy Audio Arts AAEP005 (USA) 4 Jesus 339.404
501.780 Jesus St-Mathews Church Choir Teldec SLK 16744-P (BRD, Decca) 5 Jesus 341.318
1.472.851 Jesus Stevens, Cat Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 344.673
2.159.569 Jesus Steyl, Robbert Ariola 87798 IT (BRD, Hansa) 6 Jesus 345.445
4.337.957 Jesus Stuart, Kirk London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 348.188
4.108.423 Jesus Suggs, Calvin Audio Arts AAEP005 (USA) 4 Jesus 490.333
4.108.424 Jesus Suggs, Calvin Gospel Ensemble Audio Arts AAEP005 (USA) 4 Jesus 522.401
5.320.612 Jesus Thomas, Luther Sundance STUCD 03172 ( -, Stunt) 3 Jesus 2003/09 357.721
3.267.912 Jesus Tiger Lillies, The Misery Guts (1995) 18 Jesus 360.210
245.233 Jesus Tribele, A.J. Intercord INT 145.006 (BRD 1975) 9 Jesus 493.592
1.593.869 Jesus Tucker, Maureen Polydor 2353 022 (GB 1969, MGM) 5 Jesus 365.440
1.593.840 Jesus Tucker, Maureen DGG 2304 149 (BRD, MGM Verve) 11 Jesus 365.440
1.556.266 Jesus Turner, Ike Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 366.021
1.556.268 Jesus Turner, Ike And Tina Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 366.205
1.556.264 Jesus Turner, Ike jr. Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 365.962
1.556.267 Jesus Turner, Michael Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 366.050
1.556.263 Jesus Turner, Ronnie Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 365.948
1.556.265 Jesus Turner, Tina Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 366.009
4.625.000 Jesus Tutt, Ron Word Inc. MM0095 (USA 1982, Maranatha) 3 Jesus 366.382
5.646.485 Jesus Vaillant, Franck Bleu Electric LBLC4008 11 Jesus 660.202
3.113.730 Jesus Van Dannen, Funny Trikont US 0237 (BRD 1997) 12 Jesus 369.878
1.593.870 Jesus Velvet Underground, The Polydor 2353 022 (GB 1969, MGM) 5 Jesus 372.596
1.593.841 Jesus Velvet Underground, The DGG 2304 149 (BRD, MGM Verve) 11 Jesus 372.596
1.812.229 Jesus Von Trotha, Uwe CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 375.849
1.812.230 Jesus Walten, Werner CPM S 003 (BRD) 2 Jesus 378.789
1.472.852 Jesus Warner, Mark Ariola 87801 (BRD 1974, Island) 6 Jesus 379.666
6.302.155 Jesus Waters, Jimmy Savoy Gospel 3102 (USA 1973) 9 Jesus 715.663
4.337.958 Jesus Waters, Marie London LTZ-J 15154 (GB) 9 Jesus 380.620
1.339.252 Jesus Weber, Hajo tronome 813360-1 (BRD 1983, Ahorn) 5 Jesus 382.073
1.825.806 Jesus Wegner, Bettina CBS 85 133 (BRD 1981) 5 Jesus 1981/04 382.549
4.220.259 Jesus Weisse Männer, Die Bernhard Mikulski KMZ 280763 1 (BRD 1989, KMZ) 5 Jesus 524.214
4.220.258 Jesus Weissen Männer, Die Bernhard Mikulski KMZ 280763 1 (BRD 1989, KMZ) 5 Jesus 383.353
1.556.269 Jesus Williams, Claude Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 388.939
1.556.270 Jesus Williams, Eric Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 388.959
1.556.273 Jesus Wilson, Charles Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 391.161
1.556.271 Jesus Wilson, Robert Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 390.949
1.556.272 Jesus Wilson, Ronny Teldec 6.26298 (BRD 1986, Striped Horse) 10 Jesus 390.975
1.593.871 Jesus Yule, Doug Polydor 2353 022 (GB 1969, MGM) 5 Jesus 398.459
1.700.757 Jesus Zanicchi, Iva Metronome MLP 15.573 (BRD 1976, Rifi) 7 Jesus 399.110