
ID Titel Jahr TITELID INTERPRETID Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion MEDIENID Track
3.266.657 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 277.267 45.452 3
3.266.658 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 285.465 45.452 3
3.266.659 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 357.884 45.452 3
3.266.660 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 361.501 45.452 3
3.266.661 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 362.308 45.452 3
3.266.662 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 382.111 45.452 3
3.266.663 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 386.842 45.452 3
3.266.664 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 409.897 45.452 3
3.266.665 I Count The Teardrops 1996/07-08 474.550 472.673 45.452 3

Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Instrument
Barnett, Jonnie
Penn, Dan
Penn, Dean
Porter, George Jr.
Thomas, Irma
Toles, Michael
Torkanowsky, David
Weber, Raymond
Whitsett, Carson