Master record (return to list)

Track Titel Interpret Jahr
7 Flying Home Hampton, Lionel And His Orchestra 1945/04
Actions Interpret/Beteiligter Funktion HAUPTINTERPRET Interpret Urheber Instrument
Buckner, Milton Kl
Cobb, Arnett T-Sax
Culley, Wendell Tp
Evans, Gus A-Sax
Fields, Herbie S-Sax
Fields, Herbie Klar
Fields, Herbie A-Sax
Fowlkes, Charlie
Goodman, Benny
Hamid, Abdul Pos
Hampton, Lionel Kl
Hampton, Lionel Schlz
Hampton, Lionel Vib
Hampton, Lionel And His Orchestra
Harris, Charlie Bass
Hayse, Al Pos
Killian, Al Tp
Mackell, Billy Git
Morris, Joe Tp
Morris, John Pos
Page, Dave Tp
Penn, Andrew Pos
Peters, Jay T-Sax
Radcliff, Fred Schlz
Sinclair, Ted Bass
Wright, Lammar