Master record (return to list)

Name Vorname Kuenstlername Name 3
Fried Paul Fried, Paul
Actions Titel Jahr Hauptinterpret Interpret Urheber Funktion
Birth (15 Puppies)/The Heist
Daisy, Daysi (Anita Goes Swimming)
Five Movement - Riffs 1976
Fourth Movement - Tiffs 1976
Going To Have A Puppy/ I Adore Puppies
Home-One Big Happy Family
Jack's Collapse (Butterfly Death)
Kipper Finds The Puppies
Kipper The Die Hard Dog
One Hundred And One Dalmatians
Professor Jive (Riffs - Biffs - Whiffs - Tiffs) 1976
Pup, Pup, Pup, Pup, Puppies
Puppies In The Mist
Reunion In The Barn
Second Movement - Biffs 1976
The House Of De Vil /
The Wedding (Cup Of Marriage)/Horace And Jasper/Skinner
Third Movement - Whiffs 1976
Woof On The Roof